FREE Workshop Thursday December 4th and FOOD DRIVE

*FREE Workshop Thursday December 4th and FOOD DRIVE

Surviving the Holidays

"Top 10 Secrets to 'Soaking Up' the Holidays, Without 'Soaking Up' the Pounds"

Guest Speaker:
Nutritional Healing Barbara Ann Grova, CHHC
Holistic Nutritonist

Time: 7:00
Location: Evolve Personal Training Center
195 Belle Mead Rd
E Setauket, NY 11733

RSVP at 631-941-0000 or 631-428-2427
to reserve your seat, space is limited.

*Food Drive in lieu of course fee. Bring an item listed below and there is NO CHARGE for this workshop. Please bring canned or dry food, shampoo, toothpaste, diapers, soap, napkins. Donations will be given to Long Island Cares

Representatives from LI Cares will be attending.

It is an indisputable fact that hunger exists on Long Island.
It often surprises people to learn that there are many thousands of people who are at risk of hunger on Long Island, a region officially designated as one of the most prosperous in the United States.
According to Hunger in America, a comprehensive study of domestic hunger, an estimated 259,000 Long Island residents – including nearly 93,000 children and 39,000 seniors – are hungry.

Who are the hungry of Nassau and Suffolk Counties? Among them are:

  • The child too young to understand but old enough to feel the pain of hunger.
  • The elderly who have to choose between keeping warm, getting enough to eat, or receiving medical care.
  • The unemployed or underemployed who still have to provide for their family.
  • The person with disabilities who can't get a job and has no place to go.

Hunger on Long Island is growing at an alarming rate. Long Island Cares' goals are to provide emergency food assistance where and when it is needed and to sponsor community programs that help families achieve self-sufficiency.

LI Cares is in Desperate Need of Our Help.

Sacred Rose®
Sacred Vision™
Teresa’s Family Cleaning

Surviving the Holidays


Complimentary Tea Tasting

Sponsored by

Sacred Rose®
Organic Herbal Tea

We invite you to help us collect food for this worthy cause. Cash donations payable to Long Island Cares. For more information and to donate non perishable food items contact
Sacred Rose Ltd. 631.651.8292

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We live in the world that’s so enamored by this skewed perception of beauty. A world where the media portrays “beauty” as something that has lost almost all sense of the word itself. This sad reality has pushed millions of people worldwide to go on crash diets and unhealthy lifestyles just because of what they see on TV, hear on the news or watch in the movies… Thankfully, we’re also slowly starting to come to our senses and among the more recent wave of wave in those that are conscious about their health are those that are shifting to organic food supplements.