Divine Contracts

By Maria Pologeorgis

We all desire to know why we are really here and where we came from. We question our ancestry and welcome familiar solidarity within our ethnicities and cultures.

Reincarnation is the belief that we have lived time and time again. Reincarnation entertains the notion that we continuously incarnate with specific people that make up our soul groups. Soul groups travel time and space together to explore various lessons and experiences.

Past life regression is journeying into these experiences. Journeying into a previous incarnation gives us insight into our psyche. Without self understanding we are bound to live an uninspired non-examined existence destined to repeat our historical patterns.

Our thoughts, words, actions and imagining’s are reflected back to us by the law of Karma; (every action has an equal reaction); and navigate us on a self elected chartered course. Our thoughts, words, and deeds affect our individual well being and the well being of the collective conscious.

Often our thoughts, words and deeds are rooted back to some unfinished business from the past. Unfinished business creates Drama bonds. Examples of individual Drama bonds are relationships that bring out the worst attributes of a person, examples of global Drama bonds are recurring wars based on the same theme. These Drama bonds are relationship contracts constantly seeking to finish up the unresolved issue, but you can’t change the outcome of a situation with the same energetic thought and emotional patterns. These energetic patterns arrange themselves around the corresponding Chakra, whether individual and/or global. These energetic patterns then transmit and receive energy waves creating strongholds. By adopting and integrating new upgraded thought and belief patterns we become aware of the energetic strongholds. Self examination and making new choices begins to dissolve the Drama bond. Once the Drama bond is dissolved we can begin to navigate a conscious path of personal spiritual growth while contributing to the evolution of the entire global soul. Transcending the Drama contract permits us to gain access to our Divine contracts. When our energy is invested in our Divine contract we can fulfill our highest hearts desire and our highest enlightened potential. We live our inspired luminous life.

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