For Lovers This Valentine's Day Sacred Rose® Organic Herbal Tea

Beloved: The Twin Souls®

Beloved® -a consummate alchemy aphrodisiac of damiana leaf, jasmine, hibiscus, hawthorn, pomegranate and wild cherry bark, blended under the Law of Resonance of the One Sacred Heart of the Creational Flame. Activates the vibration of being loved, Beloved®.
3.0z box - $18.00

Beloved: The Twin Souls®

I call you to me, and I am called to you, to blaze in the Heart of Humanity.

Beloved®, I am your Twin Soul, the conscious embodiment of Love, the Twin Flame of the Sacred Heart.

Two particles of light ignited by the passion of the Divine, the luminous spark of Creation merging to become one radiant sun.

I am the inspiration, the ever deepening breath of Love. You are the exhalation, the ever expanding breath of Life.

I celebrate you, my Beloved®, as the Divine whispers sacred echoes of your name, traveling through the passages of Infinity.

Intimacy with self is revealed in our merging, Being Loved is the radiance of the Most High.

The inner ascension alchemy of communion is our sacred ecstatic dance.

In oneness we are immortal - Being Loved - Beloved®.

Beloved® is a Sacred Rose® Alchemy Aphrodisiac blended under the Law of Resonance of the One Sacred Heart of the Creational Flame.

Beloved® is a Sacred Rose® Organic Herbal consummate blend of damiana leaf, jasmine, hibiscus, hawthorn, pomegranate, and wild cherry bark.

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